Choosing the Right Addiction Treatment Specialist

Addiction treatment, like the specialized care offered by Dr. Kent Smalley at the Neurowellness Clinic, is a crucial lifeline for individuals battling substance abuse or behavioral dependencies. It's a comprehensive process designed to help you regain control of your life, heal physically and mentally, and achieve lasting recovery.

Dr. Smalley's approach begins by assessing your unique needs and circumstances. He'll explore your history, triggers, and goals through one-on-one consultations and craft a treatment plan, combining evidence-based therapies, medication (if necessary), and psychological support.

Signs that may indicate you require the attention of an addiction treatment specialist in Oklahoma City, CO, include an inability to cut down or control substance use, withdrawal symptoms, neglecting responsibilities, and damaged relationships due to your addiction. If you find yourself preoccupied with obtaining substances, losing interest in previously enjoyed activities, or experiencing cravings, it's time to seek help.

Addiction treatment isn't just about breaking the cycle of dependency; it's about rebuilding your life, finding healthy coping mechanisms, and fostering personal growth. Dr. Kent Smalley and his team at the Neurowellness Clinic commit to accompanying you through this transformative journey, providing unwavering support.

Choosing the Right Addiction Treatment Specialist

Choosing the right addiction treatment specialist in Oklahoma City, OK, is paramount for your recovery journey. Start by assessing their qualifications and credentials. Ensure they hold the necessary licenses and certifications, such as being a licensed therapist or addiction counselor. Look for professionals who specialize in substance abuse and have experience with your specific addiction, whether it's alcohol, drugs, or other substances.

Consider their treatment approach. Some specialists focus on cognitive-behavioral therapy, while others use a holistic approach. Determine which method aligns best with your preferences and needs. For example, if you value a holistic approach, find a specialist who incorporates yoga or mindfulness into their treatment plans.

Establish a rapport with Dr. Smalley, and take the time to meet him personally or through an initial consultation. Gauge their empathy and communication skills. A compassionate specialist can provide invaluable support during your recovery.

Your Initial Consultation: What To Expect

During an initial consultation with our addiction treatment specialist in Oklahoma City, OK, the primary goal is establishing a foundation of trust and understanding. Dr. Smalley will attentively listen to your story, allowing you to discuss your addiction, triggers, and concerns openly. He'll also ask about your medical history, substance use, and prior treatment experiences. This information helps tailor a personalized treatment plan. Expect non-judgmental support and empathy as the specialist outlines available treatment options, clarifies expectations, and answers your questions.

Please explore our website to learn about the conditions we treat and the services provided. Contact our experienced addiction treatment specialist serving Oklahoma City, OK, for compassionate support and a path toward lasting recovery. Your journey to a healthier, addiction-free life begins here. To book an appointment with Dr. Smalley at the Neurowellness Clinic, call (405) 696-3773.

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9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm





